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Jury Sekulov


Born on 11.07.1963 in Pernik. In 1989 finishes the new course on classic animation in NATFA “Krastyo Sarafov” under the guide of Proyko Proykov. He started work in animation studio “Sofia” and later in “Kadans” Cinema center Boyana. After a year he went to Budapest, working as an animator in dozens prestige productions for Panonia Film, Sega Games and Varga Studio. After about ten years he came to Bulgaria and at present he works for many productions in Bulgaria and abroad. 2004-2007 Jury is an animator and supervisior of the animation of the Warner Bros’ feature productions - “Lars the Little Polar Bear” and “Dodo”. During the last years, he takes active part in the field of the digital 2D animation, interactive productions and computer games. He is one of the founders of the Association of the Independent Artists. Member of the Union of the Bulgarian artists and the Union of the Bulgarian film makers.