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In Half

Режисьор: Jorge Morais Valle Страна: Spain година: 2023 Времетраене: 00:24:00 Категория: Късометражни филми [от 10 до 45 мин.] Продуцент: Jorge Morais Valle Дистрибутор: Jorge Morais Valle


Through a child's imagination it tells the journey of a man who after falling prey to his fears, he must cross a strange world, a universe full of magic, where he will be confronted with his own fears and conflicts from the past and where he must find solutions for the future to discover his self-id

Биография на режисьора

Jorge Morais Valle is an independent filmmaker and artist from Vigo (Spain). From a very young age he has been linked to some of the main artistic disciplines such as drawing, painting and sculpture, the latter being the one he has developed and highlighted most naturally at a very early age.
He started very young in the world of graffiti and mural painting, where he soon found a very personal form of expression that attracted the attention of commercial brands to make artistic and advertising interventions. He quickly found the opportunity to extend his interests beyond the walls to the world of decoration and stage design in theatres, having the opportunity to lead work teams both in Spain and Portugal, even when he had not yet finished his secondary school studies.
He combined his career in Fine Arts exploring different professional areas with the world of scenography, painting and illustration both in Galicia and Portugal, which would lead him to participate in different projects, painting exhibitions and advertising campaigns, leading a young group of artists, New Order Productions, which gave him great artistic knowledge about plasticity and leadership, qualities that gave him the confidence to enter the world of animation after graduating from the Faculty of Fine Arts.
In 2010 he released his first animated short film, The painter of skies, as the final project of his Master's degree in animation, achieving great national and international recognition, being a project that was selected in more than 300 festivals and receiving 125 awards worldwide. After this experience he began a cycle of trips to different studios and production companies in Portugal, England, Italy and finally Germany, jumping from project to project and where he had the opportunity to deepen his knowledge in different areas of production, especially in production design, modelling and kinematics.

